Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)
Saarstr. 21
55122 Mainz
06131 39 0
AI affine Departments
Faculty 08: Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science (8)
- Data Management Research Group
- Research Group Algorithmics
- Research Group Computational Geometry
- Research Group Data Mining
- Research Group Efficient Computing and Storage
- Research Group High Performance Computing
- Research Group Information Systems
- Research Group Visual Computing
Faculty 02: Social Sciences, Media and Sports (1)
- Research Group Sociology of Technology and Innovation, Social Simulation
Faculty 03: Law, Management and Economics (1)
- Information Systems and Business Administration
Faculty 04: Universitätsmedizin (1)
- Computational Systems Genomics Group
Faculty 05: Philosophy and Philology (1)
- Research Group Book and Reading Studies
AI affine Degree Programs
Faculty 08: Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science (6)
- Angewandte Physik (mit Schwerpunkt Informatik) (B.Sc.), 6 Semester
- Informatik (B.Sc.), 6 Semester
- Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik (M.Sc.), 4 Semester
- Angewandte Bioinformatik (M.Sc.), 4 Semester
- Informatik (M.Ed.), 4 Semester
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Informatik (M.Sc.), 4 Semester
Faculty 03: Law, Management and Economics (2)
- Management (M.Sc.), 4 Semester
- Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management (M.Sc.), 4 Semester
Faculty 10: Biology (1)
- Neuroscience (M.Sc.), 4 Semester