Angewandte Bioinformatik (M.Sc.) - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)

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Quick Overview

  • The Degree Program contains References to AI Methods.

    Type:Degree Program (University)
    Degree:Master (M.Sc.)
    Standard Period of Study:4 Semester
    Credit Points:120 ECTS
    Languages of Instruction:English, German
    Time Exposure:full time
    Study Type:Presence Study
    Start of Studies:Winter and Summer semester

Information about the Content

  • The first two semesters are designed to provide a broad foundation in computer science and mathematics in order to put students in a position to analyze, modify and apply bioinformatic algorithms and programs. Moreover, advanced life sciences courses deepen the students’ knowledge in biology. These courses aim at extending the knowledge of biological systems and working methods and introduce current research topics. Depending on their personal interests, students can chose between different application areas of biology. The second and third semester deal with important algorithms and methods from different fields of bioinformatics. While the lectures and seminars focus on methodological aspects, the internship offers the possibility to apply theoretical methods. During the third and fourth semester, current bioinformatic methods are applied to concrete research questions of biology. The master’s seminar prepares the students for this research task. The seminar is usually held in small groups and can be tailored to individual expectations, such as studying the relevant literature for the research task. The master’s thesis is supervised by two university teachers (from the field of computer science and from the field of life sciences, respectively). The presentation and discussion of the results of the thesis take place during the final oral examination.

    Additional Information:
    Angewandte Bioinformatik (M.Sc.) - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)