AI Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate Research Transfer Education

AI in the Rhineland-Palatinate University Landscape with
11 Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences,
Working Groups and Departments,
Professors and
Degree Programs.

Latest AI research projects from the AI Alliance

The universities and universities of applied sciences with their departments, faculties, institutes, chairs and research groups and the multitude of researchers and teachers here are creating new opportunities for tomorrow with their teams, energy, dedication and excellence. From several hundred AI research projects running in parallel in Rhineland-Palatinate, you can see here a small selection of the most current projects.

The image film of the AI Alliance

The image film of the AI Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate develops against the background of a playful vision from the year 2050 a narrative retrospective of today’s 2020s, in which the AI Alliance was founded. Here, individual projects of AI stakeholders at universities and universities of applied sciences in Rhineland-Palatinate from various fields such as ethics, sustainability, digital farming, mobility, medicine, robotics and Industry 4.0 are reviewed. The image film invites not only students and researchers, but also business and society to take an interest in the topic of AI and at the same time emphasizes the outstanding potential of the combination of research, teaching, business and life in Rhineland-Palatinate.

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The AI Alliance: Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences

The four universities – the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), the University of Koblenz and the University of Trier- and the seven universities of applied sciences – the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, the University of Applied Sciences Mainz, the University of Applied Sciences Trier, the University of Applied Sciences Worms, the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen and the Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences – constitute the AI Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate.