Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management (M.Sc.) - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)

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Quick Overview

  • The Degree Program contains References to AI Methods.

    Type:Degree Program (University)
    Degree:Master (M.Sc.)
    Standard Period of Study:4 Semester
    Credit Points:120 ECTS
    Languages of Instruction:English
    Time Exposure:full time
    Study Type:Presence Study
    Start of Studies:Winter semester

Information about the Content

  • The degree program “Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management” covers three subject fields that are complementary to each other. These are statistical and econometrical methods of data analysis, data-driven planning and optimization of business processes, and the scientific foundations of psychological, social and behavioural strategical interactions and economic decision-making. Through the combination of these course contents, students will be qualified to analyse and solve individual, social, and corporate strategic decision-making problems by employing a data-based approach and by utilizing different analytic methods.

    During the program, students acquire a solid overview of the three subject fields in the core modules. Through the elective modules in the subsequent specialization phase, students obtain a deep theoretical and methodological understanding as well as practical skills, which qualifies them to employ relevant methods and to provide a critical interpretation of their results in a wide spectrum of decision-making situations.
    Students will be able to work in groups and elaborate different problem-solving approaches. Besides, they will have the capabilities of presenting the knowledge obtained to a wide variety of audiences, such as experts and the general public.

    Additional Information:
    Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management (M.Sc.) - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)