E-Government (M. Sc.) - Universität Koblenz

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Quick Overview

  • The Degree Program contains References to AI Methods.

    Type:Degree Program (University)
    Degree:Master (M.Sc.)
    Standard Period of Study:4 Semester
    Credit Points:120 ECTS
    Languages of Instruction:English, German
    Time Exposure:full time
    Study Type:Presence Study
    Start of Studies:Winter and Summer semester

Information about the Content

  • The Master’s degree program in E-Government is a research-oriented program that qualifies graduates with regard to the introduction of information and communication technology in various areas of the public sector. It builds on the skills acquired in Bachelor’s degree programs such as Wirtschaftsinformatik, Informationsmanagement, Informatik and similar. The Master’s degree program represents a customized approach to information system design and application as well as to IT management for governments and public administrations.

    The degree program looks at methods and techniques of holistic information system design of IT applications for use in the public sector, both for e-government applications and for civil participation, and the use of IT in strategic decision-making and public governance.

    The Master’s degree program in E-Government conveys skills and knowledge with a focus on methods and techniques tailored to the area of application that support the design, implementation and cost-effective use of ICT in government and administration and the consequent changes to organization structures. This course places an emphasis on the multi-disciplinary and holistic design of information systems.

    Degree program content:

    • Administrative computer science/E-government
    • Business informatics
    • Digital communication, security, collaboration
    • Law
    • Research internships and soft skills in Administrative computer science
    • Master’s thesis in Administrative Computer Science

    Additional Information:
    E-Government (M. Sc.) - Universität Koblenz