Vortrag "Potenziale von künstlicher Intelligenz in öffentlichen Bibliotheken" von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Fellenz beim Workshop "Zukunft im Blick - Workshop der hauptamtlich geleiteten öffentlichen Bibliotheken in RLP" des Landesbibliothekszentrums (LBZ) in Mainz

  • Event Location: Erbacher Hof, Mainz

    Event Date: 19.02.2024 - 20.02.2024

    Contact Person: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Fellenz


    Logo Vortrag "Potenziale von künstlicher Intelligenz in öffentlichen Bibliotheken" von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Fellenz beim Workshop "Zukunft im Blick - Workshop der hauptamtlich geleiteten öffentlichen Bibliotheken in RLP" des Landesbibliothekszentrums (LBZ) in Mainz

    Junior Professor Dr. Sophie Fellenz from the RPTU in Kaiserslautern will be giving an invited lecture on "The potential of artificial intelligence in public libraries" at the workshop "Focus on the future - workshop for full-time managed public libraries in Rhineland-Palatinate" organized by the State Library Centre (LBZ) in Mainz.

    Libraries are facing many changes and developments of a technical, social and professional nature, especially in the context of artificial intelligence - what does this mean for public libraries in general and for your own library in particular?

    This two-day workshop aims to provide information, give impulses and establish an exchange. 

    The target group is interested parties from full-time managed public libraries in Rhineland-Palatinate.

    Non-public event - participation by invitation and registration only.