Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (M. Sc.) - Universität Koblenz

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  • Der Studiengang enthält Bezüge zu Methoden der KI.

    Typ:Studiengang (Universität)
    Abschluss:Master (M.Sc.)
    Regelstudienzeit:4 Semester
    Leistungspunkte:120 ECTS
    Studienbeginn:Winter- und Sommersemester

Informationen zum Inhalt

  • The Master’s program “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization” (MMSO) is deliberately designed as an English study program, as it intends to prepare students for the entry into a highly internationalized working and research field. In addition to lectures on mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems, elective modules allow an individual focus. An application- and research-oriented project seminar concludes the study program, additionally to the Master’s thesis. The degree program qualifies you as an expert with a repertoire of modern mathematical and computer-aided methods that you can apply flexibly to solve problems arising in various fields such as engineering, consulting or finance.

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    Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (M. Sc.) - Universität Koblenz